Funeral Agent Authorization Ohio

Form Name
Ohio Appointment Of Representative For Disposition of Bodily Remains, Funeral Arrangements, and Burial or Cremation Goods and Services
Where do you get the form
Click here for a copy of the form as well as information about what needs to be included.
Who executes the form
If you are over 18 and of sound mind, you can execute a written declaration assigning to a representative the rights to carry out your wishes related to disposition of your body, funeral arrangements, etc. You must sign the form in the presence of two witnesses or in the presence of a notary.
Default state preference funeral agent
(1) The deceased person’s surviving spouse
(2) The sole surviving child of the deceased person, or if there is more than one surviving child, all of the children, collectively
(3) The deceased person’s surviving parent or parents
(4) The deceased person’s sibling, whether of the whole or of the half, or if there is more than one sibling of the whole or the half blood, all of the surviving siblings, collectively
(5) The deceased person’s surviving grandparent or grandparents
(6) The lineal descendants of the deceased grandparents
(7) The person who was the deceased person’s guardian, if a guardian was apppointed
(8) Any other person willing to assume the right of disposition, including the personal representative of the decedentant’s estate or the licensed funeral director with custody of the deceased person’s body, after atteting in a good faith effort has been made to locate the persons of this section.
Revoking a Funeral agent
Complete a new Appointment of Representative Form to designate a new agent.   The new form includes instructions revoking the prior form.
A photocopy of the form has the same meaning and effect as the original document.
State link
Ohio Code Section 2108.70 and 2108.70

2 thoughts on “Funeral Agent Authorization Ohio

  1. Linda Ellis

    There is no link at the “Click here for a copy of the form.” There is no form link provided.

    Also, with the form, do you know if there is an online form that can be completed online; not only just as a printed out form. If so, where can I access it? Thank you.

    Form Name
    Ohio Appointment Of Representative For Disposition of Bodily Remains, Funeral Arrangements, and Burial or Cremation Goods and Services
    Where do you get the form
    Click here for a copy of the form.

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