Funeral Agent Authorization Georgia

Form Name
Georgia Advance Directive For Health Care
Where do you get the form
There is no special form for designating a funeral agent. If you complete a Georgia Advance Directive for Health Care, you can specify what powers after death you want to grant your health care power of attorney, including the final disposition of your body.
Who signs the form
You, the author, must sign the form. In addition, two witnesses must sign it. The signatures do not have to be notarized.
Revoking a Funeral agent
You need to complete a new Health Care Power of Attorney Form.
A copy of a validly executed advance directive for health care carries the same meaning and effect as the original document
State link
Georgia Code Title 31, Chapters 21 and 35. 
When the screen appears, click “I agree” and, on the next page, search for the appropriate title.
Other links
Review Guide; Health Care Directives Form
Georgia funeral directors association 770-592-8002