Funeral Agent Authorization Texas

Form Name
Appointment of Agent To Control Disposition of Remains
Where do you get the form
Click here for a copy of the form.
Who signs the form
Your funeral agent must sign the form attesting his willingness to serve and follow your wishes. A notary public must also sign the document.
Default state preference funeral agent
(1)The person designated in a written instrument signed by the decedent
(2)The decedent’s surviving spouse
(3)Any one of the decedent’s surviving adult children
(4)Any one of the decedent’s surviving parents
(5)Any one of the decedent’s surviving adult siblings
(6)Any adult person in the next degree of kinship in the order named by law to inherit the estate of the decedent
Revoking a Funeral agent
If you change you mind your funeral agent should create a new form.  The new form includes instructions revoking prior documents.
A photocopy of the form is considered an authentic document
State link
Texas Health and Safety Code 711.02 Texas state legislature website
Special Notes
The Appointment of Agent Form allows you to also name a surrogate funeral agent, someone who will act if your designated agent can’t. You can document your funeral wishes in your will or in other written documents. If you want help in documenting your funeral wishes, click here