Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) & MOST North Carolina

Document name

Do Not Resuscitate form and Medical Order for Scope of Treatment (MOST).  Note: The state has combined rules related to both of these into one legal statute.

Where do you get the form

You can only get the form from  a physician’s office or a licensed healthcare facility.  If you’d like to see a sample, click here.

Who signs the form

The physician, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner signs the form.   In North Carolina, the patient does not sign a DNR form; however, he or she does sign a MOST.

Who is permitted to request a DNR order for themselves

Generally, a doctor writes a DNR order for patients who are terminally and incurably ill, or in a persistent vegetative state, and who do not want their life needlessly prolonged by resuscitation efforts.

How do you obtain a DNR bracelet

North Carolina does not seem to have any specific regulations or instructions related to DNR bracelets.

Revoking a DNR

A DNR may be revoked verbally by the patient, the patient’s guardian or an on-scene physician.  It can also be revoked by writing void on the original form or destroying it.


A photocopy is not accepted.  It must be the original yellow form to be valid.

State info link

Other link

Special notes

Order a Vial of Life decal for your front door.  The decal informs an Emergency Medical Services team that a DNR has been prepared and can be found in your refrigerator.


2 thoughts on “Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) & MOST North Carolina

  1. Pingback: Dnr Form North Carolina -

  2. Pingback: Do Not Resuscitate Form Nc -

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