Dying Intestate Idaho

Married with no children
The surviving spouse is entitled to one half of the community property that belonged to the decedent.  In addition, the surviving spouse is entitled to a certain amount of separate property from the estate.  If there are no surviving children or parents of the deceased, the surviving spouse gets the whole estate.
Married with child or children
If there are surviving children of the decedent, the surviving spouse is entitled to one half of the estate.
Order of estate distribution if spouse survives
1) spouse
2) children
3) parents of the deceased
4) parent’s issue
5) grandparents or their children
No spouse survives (or the deceased was not married) but there are other relatives
1) children of the deceased
2) parents of the deceased
3) parent’s issue
4) grandparents or their children
No surviving relatives
The estate passes to the state of Idaho.
State link
Special notes
Relatives of half blood inherit the same as relatives of full blood.