Dying Intestate Kentucky

Married with no children
The spouse does not inherit the estate unless there are no living parents of the deceased, no siblings or their descendants.  Only then does the spouse inherit anything.
Married with child or children
The spouse does not inherit the estate unless there are no children or their descendants, no living parents of the deceased, no siblings or their descendants.  Only then does the spouse inherit anything.
Order of estate distribution if spouse survives
1) the deceased’s children and their descendants
2) the deceased’s living parent(s)
3) the deceased’s siblings and their descendants
4) the husband or wife of the intestate
5) living grandparents (equally divided between those on the paternal and those on the maternal side). If one or more of the grandparents is dead, the estate goes to those who survive.
6) Uncles and aunts and their descendants
7) great grandparents, divided as described in #5 – grandparents
8) siblings of the grandparents and their descendants
9) any other living relatives of the deceased
10) If there are no kin as described above, the entire estate goes to the kin of the husband or wife, as if he or she had survived the intestate and died entitled to the estate.
No spouse survives or the deceased was not married but there are other relatives
1) the deceased’s children and their descendants
2) the deceased’s living parent(s)
3) the deceased’s siblings and their descendants
4) living grandparents (equally divided between those on the paternal and those on the maternal side). If one or more of the grandparents is dead, the estate goes to those who survive.
5) Uncles and aunts and their descendants
6) great grandparents, divided as described in #5 – grandparents
7) siblings of the grandparents and their descendants
8) any other living relatives of the deceased
9) If there are no kin as described above, the entire estate goes to the kin of the husband or wife, as if he or she had survived the intestate and died entitled to the estate.
No surviving relatives
The entire estate passes to the state of Kentucky.
State link