Medicaid Information Connecticut

State name of program
Medicaid (Title XIX)
Street address
Click on Other links to find the regional office nearest to you.
Mailing address
Department of Social Services

25 Sigourney St.

Hartford, CT 06106-5033

Phone number
State Medicaid link
Other links
Resource limits
The value of a home cannot exceed $750,000 unless it is occupied by a spouse or other dependent.   In addition, an individual can have $1,600 of other assets; a couple can have no more than $2,400 (as of 1/09).
Income limits
Regardless of need, an individual’s gross income may not exceed $2,022 per month (as of 1/09).

One thought on “Medicaid Information Connecticut

  1. Deja Evans

    I will be moving to Hartford Ct. from Lancaster PA; and will be applying for medical assistance. I have a seizure disorder and will need to continue on my medications without interuption. I will be also searching for employment , but will need some assistance while doing so. Please advise as to what steps I will needto take and what proof of income/residency/and medical needs I will have to provide. I am not recieving any public assistance at this time. thank you

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