- Married with no children
- If none of the decedent’s children or their descendants are alive, the spouse is entitled to the entire estate.
- Married with child or children
- If all of the decedent’s surviving children are also children of the surviving spouse, the spouse is entitled to the entire estate. If one or more of the decedent’s surviving children are not also the children of the surviving spouse, the surviving spouse gets one third of the estate and the surviving children or their descendants receive two thirds.
- Order of estate distribution if no spouse survives
- 1) children
2) parents of the decedent or their descendants
3) siblings and their descendants
4) grandparents or their descendants
5) uncles and aunts and their descendants
6) great grand parents
7) siblings of the grandparents and their descendants - Single person/ widow or widower
- Same as the listing above
- No surviving relatives
- Entire estate passes to the Commonwealth of Virginia
- State link
- http://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title64.2/chapter2/section64.2-200/
- Other links
- None
- Special notes
- Relatives of half blood inherit only half as much as those of a whole blood relationship.