Tag Archives: Michigan Do Not Resuscitate Order

Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Michigan

Document Name
Do Not Resuscitate Order
Where do you get the form
Physicians should have copies of the form.  You can also get a copy at most hospices or download one here:
Who signs the form
A physician must sign the DNR.   However, people whose religion opposes medical treatment don’t need a doctor’s signature.

Who can request the form

It may be requested by any individual 18 years or over.

Patient Identification
EMS will act based uon the information contained in the DNR.
How do you obtain a DNR bracelet
Once you have your DNR form completed, you can call the Michigan Hospice and Palliative Care Organization at 800-536-6300 to request a bracelet.
Revoking a DNR
You can revoke a DNR by tearing up the DNR form and returning any DNR identification bracelets.
A photocopy is considered an authentic document.
State info link
Other link
DNR Bracelet links
You must call the Michigan Hospice and Palliative Care Organization at 800-536-6300. 
Special Notes